Sunday 31 May 2009

Whew what a month!!!!! I wasn't sure I'd find time to update this month but I've scraped in by the skin of my teeth. So much going on - mostly good; some not so good but that's life. I have managed to complete 9 items from my list and have 15 ongoing at the moment. Unfortunately the TOAST devil got me before I could complete the 30 days and so I will try again (and again as necessary) until I am in control. Hopefully better meal-planning will help me to turn this around.
I have added a few more items to the list and once my new Granddaughter is born ( 5weeks to go) I hope to be able to concentrate a little more.

I could go on for ages about all that's been going on but I should get to bed soon as there's work to be done tomorrow. I will try to post more often than once a month as there is so much to say but so little time if I save it all up. So perhaps 'little and often' is the way to go.